Pasta with caviar
ingredients • Cook the pasta in lightly salted
225g/8oz fresh vermicelli boiling water until al dente, then
75g/3oz unsalted butter drain, retaining a very little of the
100g/4oz good-quality caviar cooking water, and toss in the
8 fresh chives, chopped butter. Arrange in swirls on four
8 quail’s eggs, soft-boiled and small serving plates.
peeled • Put a dollop of caviar in the centre
1 lemon, thinly sliced of each mound of pasta, and
sprinkle the chives over the top.
• Garnish each serving with two
quail’s eggs and lemon slices.
Spinach tagliatelle with veal
serves 4
450g/1lb thin veal escalopes, cut 175ml/6fl oz double cream
into thin strips 600g/11⁄4lb fresh spinach
plain flour, seasoned tagliatelle
50g/2oz butter 3 tablespoons freshly grated
1 onion, sliced Parmesan cheese
125ml/4fl oz dry white wine salt and freshly ground
4 tablespoons chicken stock black pepper
•Dredge the veal strips with the seasoned flour. Melt the butter in a frying pan. Add the veal strips and sauté until browned. Remove with a slotted spoon, and set aside.
•Add the onion to the pan and sauté until soft and golden. Pour in the wine and cook rapidly to reduce the liquid. Add the stock and cream, and season with salt and pepper. Reduce the sauce again until it is thick and creamy, adding the veal towards the end.
•Meanwhile, cook the tagliatelle in a large pan of lightly salted boiling water until al dente. Drain and transfer to a warm serving dish.
•Stir 1 tablespoon of the Parmesan through the sauce, then pour the sauce over the pasta and toss gently to mix through. Serve immediately, sprinkled with the remaining Parmesan.
Pasta salad
serves 6–8
ingredients • Cook the pasta in lightly salted
450g/1lb penne boiling water until al dente. Drain,
100g/4oz fresh basil leaves retaining a very little of the cooking
2 garlic cloves, crushed water to keep moist. Set aside to
50g/2oz Parmesan cheese, cool while you make the pesto.
freshly grated • Blend or process the basil, garlic,
2 tablespoons pine nuts, toasted Parmesan and pine nuts until
75ml/3fl oz olive oil roughly chopped. With the motor
250g/9oz cherry tomatoes, running, add the oil in a thin
halved stream until well combined.
1 small red onion, sliced into • Put the pasta in a large bowl, stir
thin wedges in the pesto and mix well. Add the
150g/5oz pitted black olives tomatoes, onion and olives. Stir
gently. Chill for 1 hour, then serve.
Pesto chicken salad
serves 4
ingredients • Cook the pasta in lightly salted
450g/1lb dried spiral pasta boiling water until al dente. Drain,
such as fusilli retaining a little of the cooking
125ml/4fl oz olive oil water to keep moist. Cool while
2 tablespoons chopped pine nuts you make the rest of the salad.
2 tablespoons chopped fresh • To make the dressing, mix the olive
basil leaves oil, pine nuts, basil, onion and
1 small onion, chopped garlic in a bowl. Season with salt
1 garlic clove, minced and pepper. Refrigerate while you
900g/2lb skinless chicken thigh cook the chicken.
fillet, cubed • Simmer the chicken cubes over a
125ml/4fl oz red wine medium-high heat with 1 teaspoon
1 tomato, diced salt and the red wine, stirring
2 small carrots, chopped constantly, for about 10 minutes.
salt and freshly ground When done, drain off the liquid.
black pepper • Toss together the chicken, dressing,
tomato, carrots and pasta to serve.
Couscous salad
serves 2
ingredients • Cook the couscous according to
175g/6oz couscous the packet instructions. Mix the
50g/2oz cooked peas couscous with the peas, curry
Pinch of curry powder powder, spring onions and egg.
2 spring onions (sliced) • Toss with the olive oil and lemon
1 small egg (hard-boiled and juice, and season well with salt
chopped) and pepper. Serve.
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 teaspoons lemon juice
Salt and pepper
Rice salad
serves 6–8
ingredients • Bring a large heavy pan of water
300g/11oz long-grain rice to the boil, and stir in the rice.
75g/3oz frozen peas Return to the boil and cook for
3 spring onions, sliced 12–15 minutes until tender. Drain
1 green pepper, finely diced and cool.
1 red pepper, finely diced • Cook the peas in a small pan of
275g/10oz canned sweetcorn boiling water for about 2 minutes.
kernels, drained Rinse under cold water. Drain well.
15g/1⁄2 oz fresh mint, chopped • To make the dressing, whisk
together the oil, juice, garlic and
For the dressing sugar in a small jug, then season
125ml/4fl oz extra virgin with salt and pepper.
olive oil • Combine the rice, peas, spring
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed onions, peppers, sweetcorn and
lemon juice mint in a large bowl.
1 garlic clove, crushed • Pour over the dressing and mix
1 teaspoon granulated sugar well. Cover the salad with cling
salt and freshly ground film, and refrigerate for 1 hour
black pepper before serving.
Bean croquettes
serves 6
600g/11⁄4lb canned cooked red 1 egg
kidney beans, drained 12 tablespoons dried breadcrumbs
4 tablespoons butter vegetable oil for deep-frying
1 teaspoon vinegar salt and freshly ground
1⁄4 teaspoon dried ground bay leaf black pepper
•Blend the beans in a food processor until they form a smooth paste. Add the butter, vinegar and bay leaf. Season with salt and pepper. Blend for 2 minutes. Separate the mixture into 12 portions shaped like fingers.
•Beat the egg with some water, and put in a shallow dish. Put the breadcrumbs in another shallow dish.
•Coat the fingers, or croquettes, first with the egg, then with the breadcrumbs. Repeat the egg and breadcrumbs process to ensure that the croquettes are well coated. Chill for 1 hour.
•Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a heavy frying pan over a medium- high heat. When the oil is hot enough, deep-fry the croquettes until golden brown. Remove from the pan using a spatula or slotted spoon, and drain on kitchen paper. Serve hot.
Spinach & rice salad
serves 6?–8
ingredients • Put the vinaigrette, soy sauce and
225ml/8fl oz vinaigrette sugar in a large salad bowl, and
1 teaspoon granulated sugar combine well. Add the rice and
300g/11oz cooked long-grain mix through well. Cover in cling
rice film, and chill until ready to serve.
200g/7oz fresh spinach, thinly • Add the rest of the ingredients just
sliced before serving, and mix well.
100g/4oz celery, thinly sliced
150g/5oz spring onion, thinly
100g/4oz streaky bacon,
cooked and crumbled
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